Friday, August 22, 2008

Ligia and Gilles: They're going to do it!

I met this couple through a mutual friend and I'm truly honored. Ft. Tryon Park up in Inwood is a really cool spot that over looks the Hudson River. This park seems endless, a couple of hills here and there, but still a great park. Ligia kept bragging about being able to pick Gilles up, and I tried not to provoke her into doing so. I didn't want to take a chance in her hurting herself before the wedding. But after all is said and done on their wedding day, I may very well ask her to pick him up over her head when I tak their protraits. Put her to the test.

You can check back in a few weeks for their wedding preview, it should be a blast.


Arthur Konstantinov said...

Rob! Wonderful stuff!
Did you think of creating your own shapes for Iris? This is really interesting. Just draw a shape in PS you'd like your bokeh to look like, for one oval (that's mine! don't dare to copy!!! LOL). I'm reflecting on rhombus or maybe horizontal, veery thin one. Or diagonal. That foder "shapes" offers good challenges!

Rob Munroe said...

Thanks Arthur, Point me to one of yours so I can copy it, oops I mean look at it. LOL